FIXATION LIGHT There are many individual preferences as to how biomicroscopy is done. This module can not cover all of them but is an overview of the main points. One of the things which must be controlled is the patient’s fixation. I find it quicker and easier when doing the general biomicroscopic examination to not use the fixation light on the instrument but to tell the patient to just look straight ahead. When necessary I will ask them to look right, left, up or down. It takes more time to use the fixation light and it is not as comfortable for the patient as they must accommodate and converge on it. I use the fixation light if a patient has a problem holding their gaze straight ahead or where I have ask them to fixate. I often use it when I am examining an area in detail with high magnification. Others use the fixation light all the time. You will have to develop your own preference and technique as you will(for many other aspects of the biomicroscopic examination.